Thursday 22 November 2012

Results of Questionnaire

I interviewed 10 different people with my questionnaire and below are the results:

Q1. Which is your preferred genre of music?
A. 6/10 people said pop, 3/10 people said R&B/Hip Hop and 1/10 people said Rock/Alternative.

Q2. How often do you buy music magazines?
A. No one said 'Daily', 2/10 people said 'Weekly', 3/10 people said 'Fortnightly', 4/10 people said 'Monthly' and 1/10 people said 'Never'

Q3. Which type of articles would you most like to see in a Pop music magazine?
A. 6/10 people said 'Artist Reviews', 2/10 people said 'Reviews of music, film etc', 2/10 people said 'live Reviews' and no one said 'Editorials' or 'Readers Letters'

Q4. What connotations do you associate with Pop music?
A. Most people answered that Pop music should always portray a 'positive' image and when listening to it should feel emotions of 'happiness' therefore meaning my Pop magazine should also present these ideas.

Q5. What tone towards should a Pop music magazine adopt?
A. 10/10 people said that it should have an informal approach

Q6. How much do you spend on an average music magazine?
A. 5/10 people said '£3.00-£4.00', 4/10 people said £2.00-£3.00' and 1/10 people said '£4.00+' meaning no one spends £1.00-£2.00

Q7. Who is your favourite artist in pop music?
A. 5/10 people said Katy Perry, 3/10 people said Taylor Swift and 2/10 people said One Direction

Q8. What colours would you like/expect a pop magazine to follow?
A. 9/10 people said 'Bright colours: pinks, blues, yellows, purples etc.' and 1/10 people said 'Light pastels: Peach, sky blue, meringues etc'

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