Thursday 22 November 2012

Publication Plan


Your magazine:

Does it have a positioning statement/selling line? (eg World’s No 1 Magazine) – World’s Biggest Pop Magazine
Frequency of publication – Monthly                           
Price – £3.00
Distribution – Well-known magazine but mainly aimed at teenage girls (14 upwards)
Rationale: what does your magazine offer; what makes it different? - Exclusives of new popstar every month, exciting for audience

My magazine will offer an exclusive to the audience’s favourite pop singers

Style (who is your target audience)
My target audience is mainly young, teenage girls as the music genre of my magazine will be pop

What is the regular content?
Each month it will include a main story of a cover star/ band and other exclusives of other pop artists. It will also include 5 or so free posters of famous pop stars
House style
I will keep the house colours relevant to my target audience – so possibly pinks and purples? However, I do not want to strike out boys or older people reading it

Contents page
Where will the features be presented?
Where will the news be featured?
Where are the other cover lines featured?

Double page spread
My double page spread will feature the star on the cover of the magazine. The left page will be an image of the cover star different to the one featured on the front and there will be part of the article picked out and put in large font in speech marks to entice the audience into reading the rest of the article. The right page will then feature some more images of the star but only small and then there will be questions which the star will have answered.

How will you integrate images, text and graphics?
I will include an image of the cover star on the front cover and then use different images on the double page spread.

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