Wednesday 21 November 2012

Magazine Questionnaire

Pop Magazine Questionnaire
I came up with the following questionnaire to get an idea for myself about what magazines are popular and what people would expect to see in them:

Q. Which is your preferred genre of music?

-         - Pop music            
-         - Rock/Alternative
-         - R&B/Hip Hop
-         - Other

2   Q.  How often do you buy music magazines?

-        - Daily
-        - Weekly
-        -  Fortnightly
-        - Monthly
-        -  Never

Q.Which type of articles would you most like to see in a Pop music magazine?

·         - Reader Letters
·        -  Editorials
·        -  Artist Interviews
·        -  Reviews of Music, Film, Books & TV
·        -  Live Reviews
·        -  Other (please specify)   _________________________________________________

4  Q.What connotations do you associate with Pop music?

5  Q.  What tone towards should a Pop music magazine adopt?
·       -   A formal approach
·       -  An informal approach
·       -  Other (please specify)___________________________________________________

Q.How much do you spend on an average music magazine?

·         - £1.00-£2.00
·         - £2.00-£3.00
·         - £3.00-£4.00
·         - £4.00 +

7  Q.Who is your favourite artist in pop music?

8   Q.What colours would you like/expect a pop magazine to follow?

·         - Bright colours: pinks, blues, yellows, purples etc.
·         - Sophisticated colours: reds, gold, silver, blacks etc.
·         - Dark colours: Violets, navy, black, browns etc.
·         - Light pastels: Peach, sky blue, meringues etc.

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