Thursday 8 November 2012


The language that is used in a magazine is very important in allowing us to identify the specific target audience of the magazine. Each word that is used is used for a particular reason, either to entice the target audience into buying the magazine or to put across a message etc.

Tone -  The tone expressed in a magazine reveals the attitudes towards the subject expressed by the editor or the people interviewed.

Style - The style of the magazine is the way it is written as opposed to what is actually written. This would differ due to different magazines having different target audiences such as a Top Of The Pops magazine being aimed at young teenagers so the language could be slang and more basic.

Vocabulary - The vocabulary in a magazine is the different words that have been purposely chosen for a reason. This would also differ due to different target audiences as differentwords would be used to create a different effect that links to the magazine.

Forms of address - The forms of address in a magazine could be the way text is aimed at different target audiences revealing the image the magazine wants to put forward.

Register -  Register in a magazine is the way a variety of language is used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting. For example, the language used in magazines such as NME and Q would be more common and base then language used in a Classical music magazine.

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