Thursday 15 November 2012

Target Audience

As I have decided to do a Pop magazine for my final task, I started to think about the target audience this genre would be aimed at. My magazine will include artists similar to Rihanna, Adele, Taylor Swift and One Direction which would appeal to a young, female audience possibly in the age range of 14-18.
As I have decided that my target audience will be a younger generation, this could suggest that the language used on my front cover, contents page and double page spread would be informal and could include some slang which would relate to young people today. The 'look' I want my magazine to portray is a positive one so bright colours could possibly be used. The image I will use will also link to this target audience and pop genre so the costumes of the cover star would also be bright and girly.

My ideal target audience member would be a young 15 year old girl who attends secondary school. Idealy she would be a typical 'girly-girl' who loves listening to pop music, the colour pink and things like flowers and hearts. She would aspire to be like pop artists like the one which will be featured on my front cover and would enjoy reading about her life and how she got to be where she is.

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