Wednesday 2 January 2013

Props for Photoshoot

When taking my photos, I tried to think about how I could make my model look as girly as possible as that is the look I want my magazine to achieve. I attempted using balloons as props but then felt it didn't look as feminine as I had wanted. I then started to think about what comes to mind when you think of the words 'girly' and 'feminine' and came up with flowers. Although my models make up fitted the image I wanted perfectly, I thought she looked plain so I came up with the idea of decorating her hair with flowers which reminded of an image of  the singer Katy Perry I had come across earlier in my research. I used three different flowers which where all different sizes and different shades of pink which is the colour I wanted to sustain throughout.

This relates to the research I made into how to make my cover star look more girly and like other cover stars through the use of props.

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