Thursday 31 January 2013

Article for double page spread

I'm sure we've all heard about Pixie's crazy party lifestyle, but it's time to find out the truth about pop sensations biggest star.

Q. What inspired you into the music industry?

A. I've always loved singing and dancing from a very young age. My mother would always sing to me before bed time and as I grew older and learnt the words, I began to join in. It wasn't until I entered a singing competition at my school, that my teachers realised my talent. It was my music teacher, Miss Best, who encouraged me to start singing lessons, and here I am today.

Q. Who do you aspire to be like in the industry today?

A. I've always said I want to be original, stick to my own image and style but if I was to pick anyone it would be Alexa Cole. She is an inspiration to all aspiring singers as she worked so hard to get to the top and has been through so much but still remains there.

Q. If you weren't singing, what would you be doing?

A. I wouldn't know where I'd be without my music career! I love music so much, it's my passion and I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. Before my career blossomed, I had worked in a few fashion stores but I knew it wasn't for me.

Q. You have a tour coming up very soon, do you get nervous when you perform?

A. I don't think any singer could say they don't get butterflies just before they go on stage but I can honestly say that mine don't last for long. As soon as I start singing and I see all my fans, my nerves disappear and the music just moves me.

Q. There has been a few stories in the news lately about your crazy party antics, are they all true?

A. Of course they are not all true, you should never believe everything you read in the papers! They like to exaggerate things just to ruin my career but I won't let that happen. I'm a young girl who enjoys going out with my friends partying and occasionally I can go a bit wild! However, I don't intend to change that for anyone or let it interfere with my work, I'm just having fun!

Q. Is it true that you write all of your own songs? If so, where do you find the inspiration?

A. Yes, it's true! I think writing all my own stuff makes me a real artist and as all my lyrics are personal it allows my fans to really connect with me. I get the all inspiration for my songs from my own past experiences or those of my friends and families.

Q. We've all heard about your fall out with your best friend recently. Do you think your rising fame was the reason for this?

A. And I'm sure you've all heard different versions of the story, most which are probably false! Me and Emily have been best friends since I can remember and I would never let anything get between us. We haven't fell out as you may think, there was no arguments, pulling hair or fighting in the street! We've just decided that our paths of life are very different, I am busy most of the time on tour or recording new singles and her job also requires a lot of time. Whenever I have a spare minute I'll phone her up or meet for a quick coffee, we're still friends, just not as inseperable as before.

Q. Thank you for speaking to us today, everyone here at Burst has enjoyed having you here. One last question from the readers, how long do you expect to be around and how sucessful do you intend to be?

A. Thank you, I've also enjoyed my time here and would be happy to come back! I expect to be round for a very long time as like I said, music is my passion, I don't want to do anything else and will still be singing into my late 90's!! I want to be very successful, I want everyone to know who Pixie is. I want to take the pop industry by storm, and I will... watch this space!

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