Wednesday 2 January 2013

Original Photography - Possible photos

Photograph 1
I like this photo as I think my model looks particularly happy which is effective as if I used it in my final magazine it would portray a positive image which is what I want for my magazine. Although my model is not making direct mode of address, I still think this image would look good on the front cover of my magazine. 

Photograph 2
I like this photo as the facial expression my model is pulling is extremely happy, again, presenting a positive image for my magazine. I also like my model's hair in this image and the way it slightly covers her face.  

Photograph 3
I like this image as you can see the face of my model clearly. She is making direct mode of address with the reader which would allow them to connect with her and give a more personal feel. The only negative I could find with this image is that the model's hair does not look as big and as curly compared to the other images. However, it is still a possible image I may use.

Photograph 4
This is one of my favourite images of my model as I think it is extremely effective and I could see it being featured on a real magazine. Although no direct mode of address is being used, the fact her eyes are closed because she is laughing projects a particularly happy portrayal of her. I wanted to feature a model within my magazine who I thought would be a good role model for the target audience who would be reading it and I think this image presents this as the model is clearly happy with the way she is and looks.


Photograph 5
I like this image as it is not as close up as the other images therefore showing a bigger picture of my model. I may possibly use this for my double page spread as it reveals more of my model like the article on her will also do. I also like her hair in this photo as it falls nicely and the three flowers are shown more distinctly.

Images from Take That concert, possibly used in contents page.

For most of the images I tried to improve the quality of them by adding contrast and brightness to make them look more professional.

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