Wednesday 16 January 2013

Feedback from class

I chose to show the members of my class this particular draft of a front cover as it is most likely the one I shall use for my final magazine. Although I have not added all of the important codes and conventions of a magazine, it was still helpful to find out my classmates opinion on my main cover star image, my masthead and layout. The majority of people commented on the fact the simple use of a black and white image and the colour pink linking the model to the masthead was effective. Some people commented that the image is quite 'hollywood glamour with an edge' and 'fun' which I liked as it gives a classy feel but also a girly and feminine one. One person also commented how the use of flowers in the cover star's hair relates to my target audience and reveals the genre of my magazine which is pop. 

The majority of improvement were to finish the front cover by adding cover lines and to think about how to do this without distracting away from the image. Another area for development was to think more carefully about how I can make my magazine look more like a music magazine and not a fashion magazine. However, I realised that when I add my coverlines which will be about artists and music, it will look more like a typical music magazine. 

I chose to use this draft of a double page spread as I think this is closest to the design I will use in my final piece. This double page spread is nearly finished. However, the actual article needs to be added. The majority of comments, again, were positive comments. My classmates liked the way my double page spread matches the colours used on my front cover. For example, a black and white image is used again to continue the classy but girly look. Many people also liked my use of the letter P which is the first initial of the cover star's name, 'Pixie', as it attracts their attention but also informs them of who the article is about. They also liked the way the masthead 'Burst' is featured on my double page spread as it is often what typical magazine do to keep advertising their brand. 

The majority of improvement comments, again, were to finish my double page spread by adding an article and possibly another image as I have to use four original photos. Also, some people commented that is was hard to distinguish what type of music magazine it was. 

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