Thursday 31 January 2013

First proofs

This is the first proof of my front cover. I decided to use the black and white image with the highlights of pink as I think it is the most effective. The fact that the flowers are pink brings attention to them so highlights the girly image I am trying to create of my cover star. I made my masthead pink to relate to my target audience which is young girls and I made my main cover line in the same colour in order to relate the artist to the magazine. I then added more coverlines to make my magazine look more professional. I put these coverlines in the black and grey to keep it consistent and to distinguish the main cover line from the rest. I then added a barcode and put the date and price above it. I also embedded the web address into the masthead to make it less ovbious but still include it.

This relates to the codes and conventions task I did at the start of the year as it enabled me to look closer at the use of font styles and colours.

This is the first proof of my contents page. I included all of the cover stories featured on the front cover and a few extra stories to fill out the magazine and make it seem more realistic. I added an image of the cover star to illustrate she is one of the main features in the magazine and to direct reader's to that article. I also added an image of the editor and a 'note' from her which is often what magazine do on a contents page.

This is the first proof of my double page spread. I made the left side of my page entirely an image of my cover star featured in the article in order to inform the reader who the article is about. I added the masthead on the right side in order to sustain the identity of the magazine. I used the big letter 'P' in order to highlight that the article is about the artist 'Pixie.' I kept the main font black so it is simple to read but made the the first small paragraph pink to sustain the girly feel.

Improvements to article for Double Page Spread

I then made some improvements to my article as there were a few spelling mistakes and I slightly changed the small paragraph at the start. I also added the colour pink to continue the colour scheme throughout my magazine and made the questions itallic to distinguish between the questions and answers.

Article for double page spread

I'm sure we've all heard about Pixie's crazy party lifestyle, but it's time to find out the truth about pop sensations biggest star.

Q. What inspired you into the music industry?

A. I've always loved singing and dancing from a very young age. My mother would always sing to me before bed time and as I grew older and learnt the words, I began to join in. It wasn't until I entered a singing competition at my school, that my teachers realised my talent. It was my music teacher, Miss Best, who encouraged me to start singing lessons, and here I am today.

Q. Who do you aspire to be like in the industry today?

A. I've always said I want to be original, stick to my own image and style but if I was to pick anyone it would be Alexa Cole. She is an inspiration to all aspiring singers as she worked so hard to get to the top and has been through so much but still remains there.

Q. If you weren't singing, what would you be doing?

A. I wouldn't know where I'd be without my music career! I love music so much, it's my passion and I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. Before my career blossomed, I had worked in a few fashion stores but I knew it wasn't for me.

Q. You have a tour coming up very soon, do you get nervous when you perform?

A. I don't think any singer could say they don't get butterflies just before they go on stage but I can honestly say that mine don't last for long. As soon as I start singing and I see all my fans, my nerves disappear and the music just moves me.

Q. There has been a few stories in the news lately about your crazy party antics, are they all true?

A. Of course they are not all true, you should never believe everything you read in the papers! They like to exaggerate things just to ruin my career but I won't let that happen. I'm a young girl who enjoys going out with my friends partying and occasionally I can go a bit wild! However, I don't intend to change that for anyone or let it interfere with my work, I'm just having fun!

Q. Is it true that you write all of your own songs? If so, where do you find the inspiration?

A. Yes, it's true! I think writing all my own stuff makes me a real artist and as all my lyrics are personal it allows my fans to really connect with me. I get the all inspiration for my songs from my own past experiences or those of my friends and families.

Q. We've all heard about your fall out with your best friend recently. Do you think your rising fame was the reason for this?

A. And I'm sure you've all heard different versions of the story, most which are probably false! Me and Emily have been best friends since I can remember and I would never let anything get between us. We haven't fell out as you may think, there was no arguments, pulling hair or fighting in the street! We've just decided that our paths of life are very different, I am busy most of the time on tour or recording new singles and her job also requires a lot of time. Whenever I have a spare minute I'll phone her up or meet for a quick coffee, we're still friends, just not as inseperable as before.

Q. Thank you for speaking to us today, everyone here at Burst has enjoyed having you here. One last question from the readers, how long do you expect to be around and how sucessful do you intend to be?

A. Thank you, I've also enjoyed my time here and would be happy to come back! I expect to be round for a very long time as like I said, music is my passion, I don't want to do anything else and will still be singing into my late 90's!! I want to be very successful, I want everyone to know who Pixie is. I want to take the pop industry by storm, and I will... watch this space!

Sunday 20 January 2013

Image for Double Page Spread Draft

This is the image I plan to use for the left side of my double page spread. I think it will be effective as it is black and white so therefore is consistent with the image I plan to use on my front cover. I think the way she is looking down and in mid-laugh shows a postive attitude which is what I want to portray throughout my magazine.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Feedback from class

I chose to show the members of my class this particular draft of a front cover as it is most likely the one I shall use for my final magazine. Although I have not added all of the important codes and conventions of a magazine, it was still helpful to find out my classmates opinion on my main cover star image, my masthead and layout. The majority of people commented on the fact the simple use of a black and white image and the colour pink linking the model to the masthead was effective. Some people commented that the image is quite 'hollywood glamour with an edge' and 'fun' which I liked as it gives a classy feel but also a girly and feminine one. One person also commented how the use of flowers in the cover star's hair relates to my target audience and reveals the genre of my magazine which is pop. 

The majority of improvement were to finish the front cover by adding cover lines and to think about how to do this without distracting away from the image. Another area for development was to think more carefully about how I can make my magazine look more like a music magazine and not a fashion magazine. However, I realised that when I add my coverlines which will be about artists and music, it will look more like a typical music magazine. 

I chose to use this draft of a double page spread as I think this is closest to the design I will use in my final piece. This double page spread is nearly finished. However, the actual article needs to be added. The majority of comments, again, were positive comments. My classmates liked the way my double page spread matches the colours used on my front cover. For example, a black and white image is used again to continue the classy but girly look. Many people also liked my use of the letter P which is the first initial of the cover star's name, 'Pixie', as it attracts their attention but also informs them of who the article is about. They also liked the way the masthead 'Burst' is featured on my double page spread as it is often what typical magazine do to keep advertising their brand. 

The majority of improvement comments, again, were to finish my double page spread by adding an article and possibly another image as I have to use four original photos. Also, some people commented that is was hard to distinguish what type of music magazine it was. 

Thursday 10 January 2013

Possible contents page idea

This is a design I may possibly use for the contents page of my magazine. I have included an image of the cover star featured on the front and another possible image of two other artists. I also added my masthead to continue the identity of the magazine. I also added pink page numbers to match the masthead, keeping it consistent, and also to suistain the girly image. I made the numbers quite big and visible in order for the reader to notice them. I also added 'contents' and the edition of the magazine to inform the reader further.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Possible double page spreads

Draft of Double Page Spread 1

Draft of Double Page Spread 2

Draft of Double Page Spread 3

Monday 7 January 2013

Possible front cover ideas

Front cover draft 1

Front cover draft 2
Front cover draft 3
Front cover draft 4
Front cover draft 5

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Original Photography - Possible photos

Photograph 1
I like this photo as I think my model looks particularly happy which is effective as if I used it in my final magazine it would portray a positive image which is what I want for my magazine. Although my model is not making direct mode of address, I still think this image would look good on the front cover of my magazine. 

Photograph 2
I like this photo as the facial expression my model is pulling is extremely happy, again, presenting a positive image for my magazine. I also like my model's hair in this image and the way it slightly covers her face.  

Photograph 3
I like this image as you can see the face of my model clearly. She is making direct mode of address with the reader which would allow them to connect with her and give a more personal feel. The only negative I could find with this image is that the model's hair does not look as big and as curly compared to the other images. However, it is still a possible image I may use.

Photograph 4
This is one of my favourite images of my model as I think it is extremely effective and I could see it being featured on a real magazine. Although no direct mode of address is being used, the fact her eyes are closed because she is laughing projects a particularly happy portrayal of her. I wanted to feature a model within my magazine who I thought would be a good role model for the target audience who would be reading it and I think this image presents this as the model is clearly happy with the way she is and looks.


Photograph 5
I like this image as it is not as close up as the other images therefore showing a bigger picture of my model. I may possibly use this for my double page spread as it reveals more of my model like the article on her will also do. I also like her hair in this photo as it falls nicely and the three flowers are shown more distinctly.

Images from Take That concert, possibly used in contents page.

For most of the images I tried to improve the quality of them by adding contrast and brightness to make them look more professional.

Original Photography - Unused photos

Photograph 1
I do not like this photo as I do not think the pose my model is doing fits in with the positive, happy vibe I want my magazine to portray. I think the fact she is pouting does relate to a 'girly' image however could also imply a sense of attitude which is not the feel I wanted from my magazine.

Photograph 2
I do not like this particular photo as I do not think the quality of it is high enough therefore making my magazine look less professional.

Photography 3
I do not like this photo as the model's left eye is not concentrating properly on the camera so she is not giving direct mode of address to the audience.

Props for Photoshoot

When taking my photos, I tried to think about how I could make my model look as girly as possible as that is the look I want my magazine to achieve. I attempted using balloons as props but then felt it didn't look as feminine as I had wanted. I then started to think about what comes to mind when you think of the words 'girly' and 'feminine' and came up with flowers. Although my models make up fitted the image I wanted perfectly, I thought she looked plain so I came up with the idea of decorating her hair with flowers which reminded of an image of  the singer Katy Perry I had come across earlier in my research. I used three different flowers which where all different sizes and different shades of pink which is the colour I wanted to sustain throughout.

This relates to the research I made into how to make my cover star look more girly and like other cover stars through the use of props.