Tuesday 5 February 2013

Feedback from class on first proofs

Our lesson today consisted of getting feedback from the rest of my classmates on the first proofs I produced for my magazine. At first, we set out our front cover, contents page and double page spread on the table and each individual filled in a 'G321 individual portfolio.' They gave me some strengths of my magazine and then stated any areas for improvement. The main strengths consisted of good original photography as they reveal the artist as and individual and relate clearly to the genre of my magazine. Another comment was that the continuation of pink looks good as it makes my magazine look consistent therefore giving a professional feel. There were also many comments about the use of the big 'P' which looks effective and reveals that the article is about the artist 'Pixie.'
Areas of improvement consisted of adding some text to the left side of my double page spread. Suggestions included a quote from the article or the star's name. Another improvement was to possibly add a border around the image of Pixie on my contents page to make it look more neat.

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