Sunday 16 December 2012

Cover Star

This is an image of the model I will be using on the front cover of my magazine who will also be featured on the contents page and double page spread. This model will take the form of a pop star I have created called 'Pixie.' I have chosen to used this name as it corresponds with the girly, feminine feel I want my magazine to have and is a realistic name for a pop singer. I have decided to use a solo, female artist in my magazine as in my research I realised many pop magazines tend to do this as it represents a positive role model for readers of the magazine to look up to and as my main target audience is teenagers they can aspire to her. My model also has a particularly girly, pretty look with long, curly hair and bright green eyes which further support the genre of my music magazine and could also be likened to many strong female artists today such as Cheryl Cole, Katy Perry and Jessie J.

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