Wednesday 31 October 2012

Anaylsis of Front Cover from 'Q' Magazine

'Q' Magazine is one of the largest music magazine distributes. I particularly like this cover as I think the main image of the cover star is very effective. The main cover line '3 Words...Cheryl Cole Rocks' is clever as an artist like Cheryl Cole wouldn't usually be featured in 'Q' Magazine as her genre of music is mostly pop however the fact she is featured and the cover line possibly suggest that is changing. The image of Cheryl Cole also contrasts with images you would usually associate with a pop singer; the water makes her look messy and the dark colours also differ from the light colours such as pink and purple usually associated with happy, pop music. She is also pulling more of a rebel pose contrasting with the usual innocent look she would portray. Her make-up also links to the colour theme of the magazine - the red lipstick and dark, black eye make up relate to the make-up typical rock and roll stars would have. I also like the overall layout of this magazine as all the house colours link together making it look more professional. Only red, black, grey and white are used linking to the fact the magazine sways more to rock music which the colours would illustrate to the reader.

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