Sunday 7 October 2012

Codes and Conventions Task

In this task, I have began to look even closer into the way font style, colour, size etc. is effective on the front cover of a magazine. I have used four templates of different magazines and added my own cover lines to each of them which I think relate to the main image. I have also carefully selected which fonts I think match the cover line and effectively attract the reader's attention.

Magazine 1 - 'M Mag'

In this magazine, I decided to put the cover star's name 'Gaga' in bold, red font to attract the reader's attention and possibly persuade them to buy the magazine. I also only used part of the star's name because as she is very well-known, I was sure reader's would still recognise her. I decided to put the word 'Lady' which relates to the stars name in a fancy, script-like font which relates to the usual connotations of a typical lady. I then contrasted this with the word 'Monster' which relates to one of the stars songs and did this in capitals and a more bold, striking font. I also added a date onto the magazine next to the bar code which is one of the main codes and conventions used on a magazine cover. 

Magazine 2 - 'Film X'

In this magazine, I carefully chose the cover line I wanted to use which deals with the fact Hollywood always seems to make its own versions of foreign films. I used white and red font to ensure I did not distract away from the main image which is quite graphic and would attract the reader's attention immediately. I put the word 'Hollywood' in red to break up the use of colour and also to inform the reader what the main cover story is about. 

Magazine 3 - 'Pitch'

In this magazine, I wanted to try out a completely different way of using font so I placed the cover star's name vertically along the side of the magazine. I think this is effective as it means there is more space on the front cover and the star's face is not covered. I made the font colours black, red and white to link to the masthead which makes the magazine look more professional which is effective as this magazine has a mass market audience. I used the phrase 'Born Villain' as it is the title of Marilyn Manson's newest album and is an unusual phrase which would attract the reader's attention. I also put the word 'inside' in a different colour to the text surrounding it to draw the reader in and inform them of the exclusive celebrity interview inside.

Magazine 4 - 'Freedom'

The cover line I have used in this magazine relates to the fact it is a 'Big Brother Issue.' I have used the colours pink and purple as they bring out the colours in the main image of the Big Brother eye. I have used capitals to attract the reader's attention and have put the word 'You' in a different colour with an exclamation mark to add emphasise and to give a personal feel to the audience. 

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