Wednesday 31 October 2012

Anaylsis of Front Cover from 'Q' Magazine

'Q' Magazine is one of the largest music magazine distributes. I particularly like this cover as I think the main image of the cover star is very effective. The main cover line '3 Words...Cheryl Cole Rocks' is clever as an artist like Cheryl Cole wouldn't usually be featured in 'Q' Magazine as her genre of music is mostly pop however the fact she is featured and the cover line possibly suggest that is changing. The image of Cheryl Cole also contrasts with images you would usually associate with a pop singer; the water makes her look messy and the dark colours also differ from the light colours such as pink and purple usually associated with happy, pop music. She is also pulling more of a rebel pose contrasting with the usual innocent look she would portray. Her make-up also links to the colour theme of the magazine - the red lipstick and dark, black eye make up relate to the make-up typical rock and roll stars would have. I also like the overall layout of this magazine as all the house colours link together making it look more professional. Only red, black, grey and white are used linking to the fact the magazine sways more to rock music which the colours would illustrate to the reader.


Although this is a fashion magazine, I decided to analyse the codes and conventions and get some more ideas for the music magazine I will eventually create. 

Thursday 11 October 2012

Peer-Assessment of magazine covers

1. All the tasks have been done well however, some of the covers do not have cover lines.

2. They all look realistic and keep to the colour scheme. I like how 'M' magazine uses different fonts for the main cover line and all the main cover headings suit the magazine genre. The fonts also work well.

3. Some improvements could be to add cover lines to some of the magazines and use media language when commenting on some of the covers e.g. main cover line, cover lines, direct mode of address.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Codes and Conventions Task

In this task, I have began to look even closer into the way font style, colour, size etc. is effective on the front cover of a magazine. I have used four templates of different magazines and added my own cover lines to each of them which I think relate to the main image. I have also carefully selected which fonts I think match the cover line and effectively attract the reader's attention.

Magazine 1 - 'M Mag'

In this magazine, I decided to put the cover star's name 'Gaga' in bold, red font to attract the reader's attention and possibly persuade them to buy the magazine. I also only used part of the star's name because as she is very well-known, I was sure reader's would still recognise her. I decided to put the word 'Lady' which relates to the stars name in a fancy, script-like font which relates to the usual connotations of a typical lady. I then contrasted this with the word 'Monster' which relates to one of the stars songs and did this in capitals and a more bold, striking font. I also added a date onto the magazine next to the bar code which is one of the main codes and conventions used on a magazine cover. 

Magazine 2 - 'Film X'

In this magazine, I carefully chose the cover line I wanted to use which deals with the fact Hollywood always seems to make its own versions of foreign films. I used white and red font to ensure I did not distract away from the main image which is quite graphic and would attract the reader's attention immediately. I put the word 'Hollywood' in red to break up the use of colour and also to inform the reader what the main cover story is about. 

Magazine 3 - 'Pitch'

In this magazine, I wanted to try out a completely different way of using font so I placed the cover star's name vertically along the side of the magazine. I think this is effective as it means there is more space on the front cover and the star's face is not covered. I made the font colours black, red and white to link to the masthead which makes the magazine look more professional which is effective as this magazine has a mass market audience. I used the phrase 'Born Villain' as it is the title of Marilyn Manson's newest album and is an unusual phrase which would attract the reader's attention. I also put the word 'inside' in a different colour to the text surrounding it to draw the reader in and inform them of the exclusive celebrity interview inside.

Magazine 4 - 'Freedom'

The cover line I have used in this magazine relates to the fact it is a 'Big Brother Issue.' I have used the colours pink and purple as they bring out the colours in the main image of the Big Brother eye. I have used capitals to attract the reader's attention and have put the word 'You' in a different colour with an exclamation mark to add emphasise and to give a personal feel to the audience. 

Thursday 4 October 2012

Analysis of 'Q' magazine


I like this particular edition of the music magazine 'Billboard' as the cover star - Miley Cyrus - is using direct mode of address. This is effective as it allows the reader to connect with the star but also links with the main cover line as Miley Cyrus is trying to get her fans to 'follow' her as she is changing her style. I also like the way the cover star is again covering the masthead showing she is important but also that the editors are aware their magazine is recognisable to their audience. I further like the fact the the cover star is holding her initial. It is quirky and would not be seen on many magazines. It also would attract the readers attention and make them want to pick up the magazine and purchase it.


Although this is a fashion magazine and our assessment objective is to create a music magazine, I have decide to analyse this edition of 'Company' magazine as I like the layout. I like the way the main image covers the masthead as it implies that the magazine editors are confident that their masthead is recognisable to readers. I also like the way the cover star - Nicola Roberts - is dressed in glamorous  clothing and the text and colour of the text matches this.