Thursday 27 September 2012

Preliminary Exercise - School magazine

This is the cover of my school magazine I had to produce for the preliminary exercise. I decided to base my magazine wholly on Sixth Form making it appeal to a more niche market and meaning the articles included are specific to Sixth Formers and Sixth Form life itself. The Masthead I created links to St Thomas Aquinas' house colours and 'Back 2 School' reveals it is one of the first issues of the magazine published in this school year. I made the number two back to front to cleverly illustrate the fact students are returning 'back' to school after the Summer holidays. I used different typace and font colours for each different cover line to attract the readers attention and initiate the different articles. I included a barcode, date and the online edition of the magazine which are some of the main codes and conventions used in magazines.
This is the contents page for my school magazine. I have used the same masthead from the front cover so my magazine looks more professional as it is consistent. I have used some images of former Sixth Form students to link to the fact it is wholly a Sixth Form magazine. Under each photo I have added a short caption to show who is in the picture and what occasion it was taken at. I also used the school logo to illustrate what school the magazine belongs to. As it is the content page I have included some of the articles featured inside so the readers would know what to expect without having to read through the whole magazine. The masthead is bigger then the rest of the text to make it stand out to the reader. I used a back to front '2' to illustrate that it is a back to school edition of the school magazine. I used the phrase 'What's inside?' to reveal to the reader what actricles they will recieve when buying the magazine. I put this title in red and underlined it in black to link to the house colours of the magazine and keep the colour scheme consistent. I used different coloured arrows to illustrate each different article and to add a bit more colour to the page to attract the reader. The colours I have used also link to the colours in the photo.

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